Brian Tobin
Brian Tobin is a Hatha-Raja Yoga teacher based in Burlington, Vermont. Brian aims to work with each student, starting from where they are, to develop their personal expression of yoga practices. In group classes Brian utilizes techniques including yoga postures, breathing techniques, mantras, kriyas, concentration, and visualization. The goal of all of these practices is to remove negative impressions and patterns in the body and mind, thereby increasing Self-knowledge and Joy in daily life.
Brian draws his influences from numerous different lineages of Hatha and Raja Yoga including: Sivananda Yoga, Bihar School of Yoga, Babaji’s Kriya Yoga, Yogi Gupta Lineage, and Native Spirituality. Brian has received his advanced teaching certifications through the Hathavidya School of Yoga. Always a student as well as a teacher, Brian is engaged in continued study in Kriya and Tantric traditions of Yoga.