kate floyd
Kate has 500+ hours of training and is a certified Hatha Yoga Teacher. She completed her training here at Laughing River Yoga. A student of yoga since 2005 and teacher since 2012, Kate is perpetually curious about the power of yoga to transform us both on and off our mats. She loves that yoga encourages us to explore deeply and kindly. Most recently, she is influenced by her studies in Katonah yoga and incorporates this into her teaching.
In Kate's classes you can expect to explore classical Hatha poses, guided meditation, breath work, chanting, and to invoke your own imagination. You will be nurtured and challenged.
To learn more about Kate and her offerings please visit: katefloydyoga.com

"Thank you so much for hosting this series! (Yoga for Anxiety) It was exactly what I needed, when I needed it. I really appreciated your vulnerability, openness, and empathy. I have been struggling with so much anxiety lately, and this Thursday night class became an important touchstone for me each week. I am so looking forward to joining your restorative series next week and continuing this practice with you." - Natalie G.