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Bearing Witness to This Moment: A 3-part Retreat

Within several wisdom traditions, it has also been taught that our experience of life is rooted in impermanence. Change is the one constant we can rely upon. This can be a scary realization… and equally, a liberating one.


What joys can arise when we are less attached? What heartfelt connections can we experience when we let go of expectation? What sadness is reflected by observing the cycles of life (and death) in the nature that surrounds us? What wisdom is being called for in THIS moment? How do we make the most of our ever-changing time on this planet?


One way is to open to the subtleties of our life, to notice the magic contained in this moment, and the

next, and the next. If we can recognize this truth, perhaps we can open to deeper truths of Self?

The intention for Bearing Witness to THIS Moment is to create a safe space to gather, explore, and restore. Through mindfulness practice, guided dialogue, and story sharing, we give space for wisdom and compassion to emerge, allowing us to imagine pathways toward restorative ways of being and healing.


This 3-part retreat experience will be themed around the process of noticing this moment and all the subtle magic contained within, and how we relate to the continuously changing nature of our thoughts, bodies, and experiences. What does it mean to pay attention to this moment – and – what can we do to further cultivate our skill set for doing so?


The retreat will be held in three parts over three weeks at  on November 7th, 14th and 21st from 7:30pm – 8:30pm – directly following the weekly Jivamukti
Yoga class (5:45-7:15 pm). You are invited to participate in the Jivamukti Yoga Class prior to retreat sessions, as a way to take the inward turn, preparing to step into the container and bear witness to our individual, as well as collective experiences. Attending the yoga class prior is NOT a requirement; it is simply an invitation.


The only requirement we ask is that if you register for the
retreat, you commit to all three sessions as they are intimately connected by the guiding principles


Cultivating a mind of Not Knowing
Bearing Witness
Compassionate Action


Please share this invitation with those you feel are in deep resonance.


This class series will be held in-person at the Chace Mill.

Thursdays November 7, 14, 21, 2024

Sliding Scale: $30/$45/$60
or Monthly Unlimited

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